Charmouth Car Park | Parking in Charmouth

Car Parks in Charmouth

Not all are run by the same people so may not show up on all web sites. By example the local council web site will not show the privately run ones. Also the prices vary and depending on how long you are staying the changes can be dramatic. From 50 p for one hour (or even free) to £4 for the same hour elsewhere.

Tickets are not transferable from one car park to another

See our page, Charmouth Parking Guide, for some general information.

All information was considered correct at the time of writing (April 2024) and we can accept no responsibility for any errors and ommisions. You must check the tariffs and arrangements locally when you park your car.

Beach Car Park | Charmouth Car Park

Charmouth Beach Car Park
Ironically this car park is, dispite the name, set back from the beach, but not by much. 

No motorcycle parking and locked at 9 p.m. each night. One of the cheapest for a long stay.


Seafront Car Park | Charmouth Car Park

Charmouth Seafront Car Park

This car park is near the beach and  has around 200 spaces. It is locked at 9 p.m. each night. One of the cheapest for a long stay. 

There is no motorcycle parking at this car park. 


Lower Sea Lane | Charmouth Car park

Charmouth Lower Sea Lane Car Park 3

Situated more towards the village itself this is the only car park for coaches, cars towing caravans and large motorhomes. 

It is the cheapest car park in Charmouth but has only 25 spaces.


Foreshore Car Park | Charmouth Car Park

Charmouth Foreshore Car Park

This is the car park nearest the beach and has 50 spaces. It is operated by Charmouth Parish Council. It is the nearest to the sea.

Free motorcycle parking.

It is open 24/7 (no gate) and cheapest for a short stay near the beach.


Street Parking | Free Parking in Charmouth

Charmouth Town Parking

The road through the village has various parking area along it where, on the fringes, there are no restrictions and as you get nearer the centre of the village (the shops) you are limited to free parking for one hour and no return within one hour.

Lower Sea Lane Car Park is near the village centre and not expensive compared to others.